Jan 25, 2021
There are countless diet and diet experts out there. If you are a nutrition coach, it is EASY to get lost in the crowd. How do you stand out?
In today's podcast, Ashley Osterman and Nicole Aucoin discuss three tips for helping your program stand out in the crowd!
If you are listening to this, you are passionate about...
Jan 18, 2021
In this episode, Sherman Merricks from Lasso Marketing and Nicole Aucoin dive into the consultative selling process and nailing your free intro!
The #1 way to grow a nutrition program in a gym is getting new people bought in on nutrition on day one. Can you get existing members on board? Yes, but it takes time.
Jan 11, 2021
Are you looking to get a nutrition program off the ground on a budget?
This week on the podcast, Ashley Osterman and Nicole Aucoin discuss four things that you need to get a nutrition program off the ground on a budget and exactly what we recommend.
We've consolidated everything that you need to get a program off the...
Jan 4, 2021
The overwhelming majority of gym owners and nutrition coaches will launch a nutrition challenge in the new year. It makes sense, people are motivated to start something new in the new year, but the problem is their program ends at the end of a challenge.
This week on the podcast, Ashley Osterman and Nicole...