Oct 25, 2021
In today's podcast, Kayla Pollock and Nicole Aucoin discuss why you need to be developing your nutrition coaches.
Gym owners wear a lot of hats. Sometimes coach development gets put on the backburner. When was the last time you had a staff meeting? When is the last time you have invested time, money, and energy into helping your coaches sharpen their skills to deliver a better service to your members?
At HSN Mentoring, this is something we do for gym owners to develop their nutrition coaches. When I hire new people to come onto our team, I look for a growth mindset. Let's face it; if we don't invest time into getting better, we will remain stuck.
In this episode, Nicole Aucoin and Kayla Pollock discuss:
- How to develop nutrition coaches and one of the biggest
- What you can do as a gym owner to develop your coach
- Some of the ways we develop coaches through the Healthy Steps
Nutrition Mentoring program
Kayla and Nicole discuss one of the best initiatives added to the Healthy Steps Nutrition Mentoring training process to develop coaches and ensure they feel confident when supporting their clients through a habit-based approach paired with accountability.
For more support and information about how it works with Healthy Steps Nutrition Mentoring, click the link in the show notes.