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Grow Your Nutrition Business

Dec 5, 2022

Nutrition is fundamental to helping your clients become the best and healthiest version of themselves. However, most gym owners don’t know where to start or reinvent the wheel when it comes to building a nutrition coaching program. 


In today’s episode, Nicole Aucoin, founder of Healthy Steps Nutrition, CrossFit HSN, and HSN Mentoring, expounds on how to build an ongoing nutrition coaching program. She delves deep into actionable steps that save you time in building a successful nutrition coaching program.


What You'll Learn


  • Packaging your coaching program for accountability and building an ongoing membership for your nutrition program.
  • Pricing your nutrition coaching program appropriately and ensuring your business makes profits.
  • Finding the right person to deliver your nutrition program. What makes a good nutrition coach?
  • Having systems in place to deliver that professional experience.
  • Tips for building a presence in your gym when launching a nutrition coaching program.
  • Three co-principles for healthy nutrition


Blog post related to this episode:


▼ ▽ Free Help

FREE Training For Gym Owners To Build A Nutrition Coaching Program In A Gym HERE |


▼ ▽ Connect With Us

HSN Mentoring Instagram HERE |

Healthy Steps Nutrition Instagram HERE |

Nicole Aucoin Instagram HERE |


 ▼ ▽ Healthy Steps Nutrition & HSN Mentoring

We believe something as fundamental as nutrition shouldn’t be complicated, which is why we focus on a simple habit-based approach. Our mission is to help one million people take control of their health one step at a time. 

In order to do that, we need gym owners and coaches with their boots on the ground, using the Healthy Steps Nutrition framework to empower their communities to make health a way of life.

HSN Mentoring provides a turn-key solution for gym owners to build, launch and grow a professional nutrition coaching program in your gym including training, business systems, nutrition coach certification, an exclusive app to manage clients, and ongoing mentoring. 


▼ ▽ How It Works With Healthy Steps Nutrition Mentoring:

  1. Book a FREE discovery call {For Gym Owners Only} HERE |
  2. Complete the training includes online modules, mentoring calls and 6-weeks of nutrition coaching at HSN HQ
  3. Launch your professional nutrition program, help your members see faster results, increase retention and add a revenue stream